Help in everyday life

Help in everyday life
Sicily - Britta Bohn

By Britta Bohn

Settled in

A warm breeze whispers through the palm tree. Your palm tree! In your garden!

Relaxed, you reflect on the past year. That was when your new life in Sicily began.

Meanwhile, you get many everyday things easily done without outside help.

You are even doing quite well with your Italian.


Other things, however, you will probably never get used to.

The other day, for example:

You forgot the potato salad when you went shopping. And it's only available in Bagheria at Lidl. So back in the car and 3 kilometres at walking pace through the city.

With all the others who are also travelling 3km through Bagheria for some little things - by car, of course!

Why doesn't anyone cycle here? Is it even possible to buy a bike in Bagheria? Now you've had one of those rare moments when you need "everyday help".

And that's exactly what you got - your bike has been ordered and should arrive next week.


On this page we give you some advice on everyday life in Sicily:

More topics:

Help in everyday life - Tips

Help in everyday life - Learn Italian

Learn Italian

Buying, renovating and maintaining properties is naturally complex. But fortunately, service providers such as Property in Sicily and Sicula Services can take care of almost everything for you.

Do you really want to "arrive" in your new home now? And not always just be seen as a "tourist"? Then you need to learn Italian now.

You may have already guessed it - the large Property in Sicily Family has a solution for this too - the Solemar Academy:

Help in everyday life - Money


In theory, you should not need a current account in Italy if you are an EU citizen. In practice, however, you do - at the latest if you want to pay taxes.

Want to? No - you must pay property tax, a municipal tax and possibly income tax.

As you can see, an Italian bank account is essential for everyday life in Sicily.

Tip: no bank wants to manage only a current account. It is therefore certainly helpful if you become an "interesting customer".

Sicula Services will be happy to help you once again:

Help in everyday life - Well insured

Well insured

You will also need to take out insurance in Sicily. For example, liability insurance is recommended for your property - especially if you are using it as a holiday letting.

Do you want to register your car in Italy? Then you must also insure it in Italy.

And, of course, health insurance is very important. Under certain circumstances, it may make sense to take out a (favourable) Italian private insurance:

Help in everyday life - Headache?


Sicula Services can help you with bureaucratic headaches, and a pharmacy with trivial headaches. For more serious matters, you need a doctor.

Contrary to many clichés, the standard of medicine in Sicily is high. You can even get appointments relatively quickly. But only - as you may have guessed - as a private patient:

Help in everyday life - And much more

And much more...

Everyday life in Sicily is not only colourful but also full of surprises. The topics described above are just a small selection.

Sicula Services also helps with many other seemingly banal everyday things. You can find more examples here:

Overview map on Google Maps

This way

Bagheria and Santa Flavia are Sicily - All in one Place. Here you will find almost everything that makes Sicily special. You just have to know where. And this is exactly where our overview map on Google Maps helps you. Please find more information (as for instance on Photo spots) on these maps of the single districts:


Santa Flavia:



Sicily - Facebook Groups

Mail from Sicily

No, you don't need carrier pigeons to get news from Sicily. Today there we have a Facebook group for holiday makers and another group for expats. This source of information is completely free of charge and you can of course "switch it off" at any time.

Sicily - All in one Place

Sicily - All in one Place

Where is the photo spot?

This photo shows the shopping street "Corso Filangeri" in the old town of Santa Flavia.