Buying property

Buying property in Sicily
Sicily - Britta Bohn

By Britta Bohn

Make your dream come true!

Cold rain is pouring down your office window.

Dismal weather and no end to the story.

Now you've really had enough.

You are determined to make your dream of living in the warm south come true.

You have earned it, after all!

Why Sicily?

The Mediterranean is the destination of many people who dream of a home in the warm south. The well-known "dream destinations" are correspondingly expensive. In contrast to this, Sicily offers a wide range of properties with low prices.

The poor economic situation has been driving young people to emigrate for generations. This is particularly true for small towns in the centre of the country. They therefore welcome property buyers with open arms.

Buying property - Advice

Buying property in Sicily - Houses • Flats • Villas

Houses • Flats • Villas

If you believe the internet, the "Dream house on the Mediterranean" is right by the sea, has a large garden and, of course, a pool.

Sure, there is something like this in Sicily - but our sunny island has much more to offer. Here are just a few examples of properties for sale:

  • House in mountain village
  • House in fishing village
  • Former farm with olive grove
  • Developable plot
  • Flat in small town
  • Estate in the countryside
  • Penthouse in Palermo
  • Residence with holiday flats
Buying property in Sicily - Working from home in Sicily

Working from home in Sicily

A crisis often also harbours an opportunity. The coronavirus pandemic, for example, has made working from home the new normal. Can you work from home even for a longer period of time?

So why not leave the Nordic winter behind, buy a suitable property in sunny Sicily and move your home office there?

The two Sicilian towns of Bagheria and Santa Flavia are particularly interesting for this idea.

They are connected to Palermo airport by train every hour, offer cheap internet via fibre optics and are both by the sea. But the best is saved for last: there is a English-speaking property manager on site who will look after your home office if you are not there.

Buying property in Sicily - Searching in English

Searching in English

So, there is a wide range of property for sale in Sicily. And there are actually several English-language portals through which you can buy property.

But who actually offers the property? A real estate agent? The owner? And are there really local salespeople in Sicily who speak business fluent English and Italian? Can these sellers also handle the legal, bureaucratic and construction-related matters?

As you can see, what you need is someone who represents YOUR interests and not those of the seller. Someone who can mediate not only between languages, but also between the sometimes very different cultures.

Now the good news: there is a company in Santa Flavia whose team offers exactly that - Property in Sicily:

Buying property in Sicily - Only 1 Euro?

Only 1 Euro?

Buying property for just 1 Euro? Yes, there is such a thing in Sicily. Especially in small villages away from the coast. After more than 100 years of emigration, there are fewer and fewer inhabitants and, as a consequence, abandoned houses.

They are taken over by the municipal administrations and sold for a symbolic euro. However, a number of conditions must be considered. The aim is not to attract speculators, but to gain new citizens.

If you want to be independent of such requirements, it is better to look for properties in need of renovation for a few tens of thousands of Euros. Property in Sicily in Santa Flavia has some of these in its programme:

Buying property in Sicily - Everything legal?

Everything legal?

80% - this is the estimated percentage of properties in Italy with more or less major building law "irregularities". Some claim that this percentage is exaggerated.

But even 10% should be a warning to all those who want to buy a property in Sicily. The good news is that most of these "irregularities" can be corrected. However, this must be done before the purchase!

And another piece of good news: notaries can check the legal status of property. So you "only" need to find a good notary.

Once again, we recommend the team at Property in Sicily in Santa Flavia. It only handles projects that have been approved by experienced notaries.

Buying property in Sicily - Flood risk?

Flood risk?

One of the typical risks for property owners is flooding. As this map shows, Italy is one of the countries in Europe with the highest risk of flooding.

For Sicily, however, this only applies in a few zones - especially in the east. In Bagheria, only a few streets are affected, in Santa Flavia the probability of flooding is close to zero.

The only zone with a high risk of flooding is the valley between Altavilla Milicia and Casteldaccia. Building is therefore prohibited here. So if you are offered a property to live in, it is probably illegal:

Buying property in Sicily - Buying in English

Buying in English

You've probably already realised that buying a property in Sicily can be more complicated than finding one. In any case, it is different to other countries, where a property is transferred from one owner to another by entry in the land register. In Italy, however, this is done by signing a purchase contract. A notary is not required for this.

STOP! This is exactly how you should never buy a property in Sicily. Never!!!

A notary should not only check whether the property is in order in terms of building law, but also whether it is free of mortgages. And, of course, only a notary should draw up contracts. And certainly all parties involved must appear together before the notary to sign.

And again we recommend the team at Property in Sicily in Santa Flavia. Their notaries are very experienced in tracking down inherited burdens.

Immobilien kaufen auf Sizilen - Renovating in English

Renovating in English

Your dream has come true - you are the happy owner of a sunny property in Sicily.

All you need now is water, gas and electricity. Oh yes - a fast internet connection wouldn't be bad either. And then there's that leaking tap and the fence that urgently needs a fresh coat of paint.

Is that exactly what you don't really want to do? And your Italian isn't good enough to organise tradesmen? No problem. There is a company in the Property in Sicily network in Santa Flavia that takes care of all these things:

Buying property in Sicily - House sitting in English

House-sitting in English

It's January and the sun is shining through the window of your new home office in Santa Flavia. The decision to move your workplace to Sicily in winter was absolutely right.

Suddenly your mobile phone rings. An important customer is "threatening" to place an order. But that only works face-to-face. So book a flight quickly. Fortunately, there is a train to Palermo airport almost every hour.

But wait - who's going to water your plants and look after your post? That's right - you need an English-speaking house-sitter:

Overview map on Google Maps

This way

Bagheria and Santa Flavia are Sicily - All in one Place. Here you will find almost everything that makes Sicily special. You just have to know where. And this is exactly where our overview map on Google Maps helps you. Please find more information (as for instance on Photo spots) on these maps of the single districts:


Santa Flavia:


Getting around:

Sicily - Facebook Groups

Mail from Sicily

No, you don't need carrier pigeons to get news from Sicily. Today we have a Facebook group for holiday makers and another group for expats. This source of information is completely free of charge and you can of course "switch it off" at any time.

Sicily - All in one Place

Sicily - All in one Place

Where is the photo spot?

This photo shows a wonderful Sicilian villa that was sold by Property in Sicily.