Altavilla Milicia - Things to see and do
The map (Google Maps) of Altavilla Milicia offers you an overview of some things to see and photo spots.
Below you will find a list of all Sicily - All in one Place maps.
Bells ring. A wedding party moves towards the church, laughing. The background is filled with the hissing of an espresso machine.
You sit in front of the bar on the Belvedere of Altavilla Milicia and don't know what to admire first - the spruced-up wedding party or the sea glittering as far as the horizon.
Pizzo Cane
A light scent of pine trees wafts into your nose. The forest rustles softly and is only drowned out by the call of a falcon.
In the distance, the warm summer air shimmers over the city. And someone has turned off the sound. The cars are just small, swarming dots.
You can experience this and much more in the "Pizzo Cane" nature reserve in the south of Altavilla Milicia.
Contrada Sperone
The view from Pizzo Cane is certainly marvellous, but you're not quite sure about cycling up there? Then just stay down and cycle along the foot of Pizzo Cane.
Are you looking for a house in the countryside? Then you've come to the right place. From a new build to a dacha with a large garden, Contrada Sperone has it all.
Important: Our cycle route runs on tarmac roads, but they are quite steep in some places. This is no problem if you use the mountain bike we recommend.